Office of the 教务长

奥克兰中心, Suite 150
312 Meadow Brook Road
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-3352

Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.


学生 involved in allegations of misconduct are entitled to:

  1. 与学生办公室的一位官员会面,讨论所涉及的行为问题.
  2. Refuse to answer any questions or make self-incriminating statements.
  3. In cases involving Title IX/Sexual Misconduct, 在申诉程序结束时作出关于责任的决定之前,应诉方被推定不对所指控的行为负责.
  4. 是否有公开大学的教职员工或学生作为顾问为学生提供支持. 如果有必要的话, the 教务长 office will assist in identifying an adviser that is part of the OU community; provided, 然而, that OU does not guarantee that: (i) OU will be able to secure an adviser for the student; and/or (ii) OU will be able to secure a particular adviser selected by the student. Notwithstanding anything in this paragraph to the contrary, 这是学生的责任,确保与他或她的顾问沟通. An adviser may attend an administrative or committee hearing; provided, 然而, 顾问在任何委员会听证会上的唯一作用是观察和提供支持,顾问不允许以其他方式积极参与听证会.
  5. In cases involving sexual misconduct and Title IX sexual harassment, both students may have an adviser of their choice, including an attorney. 如果性行为不端/第九条性骚扰事件的一方在听证会阶段没有顾问, the University will appoint an adviser for them at no cost.
  6. Have information maintained in a reasonably confidential manner, 如果法律允许的话, to the extent provided by Applicable Law. Confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. 除非SCC另有规定或大学政策或其他法律禁止, 投诉, 指控, 证人姓名和证据可能会在需要知道的基础上在大学员工或外部各方之间共享. In cases involving sexual misconduct, 报告方可以要求保密,概述如何处理此类请求的过程可以在学生行为准则听证过程中找到.
  7. 要求公开大学在整个过程中立即采取临时措施保护有关各方和公开大学社区, 无论此事是通过SCC裁决还是作为犯罪报告给OUPD.
  8. Be provided supportive services. In Title IX/Sexual Misconduct matters, this includes non-disciplinary, non-punitive individualized services offered as appropriate, as reasonably available, 在提交正式投诉之前或之后,或未提交正式投诉的情况下,不向报告方或应诉方收取费用或费用.
  9. Receive a written statement of the 指控 prior to any hearing. 除了, in Title IX/Sexual Misconduct matters, receive a written statement of the allegations prior to an investigation.
  10. Except for Title IX/Sexual Misconduct matters, 选择行政听证会或委员会听证会(只限应诉方). 有时, a less formal means may be used for resolving 投诉 if the reporting and responding parties voluntarily agree; 然而, 此类手段不会用于处理性暴力指控,应诉方可在完成任何不太正式的手段之前的任何时间要求举行行政或委员会听证会.
  11. 请掌握有关案件的直接资料的证人出席委员会聆讯,并在委员会聆讯上出示证物. 报告和回应方必须在听证会上作证的证人姓名之前以书面形式通知学生事务处, and exhibits that will be presented at, the committee hearing. Information from character witnesses must be submitted in writing.
  12. Ask questions of the witnesses, including the reporting party. 然而, due to the sensitive nature of some incidents, 在某些情况下,问题会提交聆讯小组主席,由他代表答辩人向报告方提问. 主席必须认为所提问题适当且与聆讯有关. 在这种情况下,学生事务处将通知当事人.  然而, in Title IX/Sexual Misconduct committee hearings, 每一方的顾问将向另一方和证人提出问题,而不是将问题提交主席问他们. 在当事人或证人回答问题之前,主席必须认为问题是相关的,并且必须解释不允许任何问题的原因.
  13. Receive 72-hour notice of the time, 日期, and place of a committee hearing along with a list of potential witnesses and exhibits that have been provided to the 教务长 at that time; in Title IX/Sexual Misconduct matters, 10-day notice will be provided. The 教务长 will notify both parties, prior to the committee hearing, 如有任何其他证人姓名或证物已提供给教务处.
  14. Exclude, without explanation, one committee member. 通知必须在聆讯前至少24小时以书面通知或电话发出. The excluded committee member will not participate in the hearing. 学生事务主任可以出席听证会,但不参与确定指控的责任.
  15. Except for Title IX/Sexual misconduct matters, 选择在行政听证会中解决问题,并理解选择行政听证会意味着应诉方放弃第10条中提供给他们的权利, #11, #12和#13.
  16. 知道, if held responsible, the conduct committee or the 教务长 conducting the administrative hearing may impose one or more sanctions as provided in this SCC; for Title IX/Sexual misconduct matters, 行为委员会或学生教务长也将决定对报告方的补救措施. 负责或不负责的决定是基于“证据优势”标准, meaning that it is “more likely than not” that a violation has occurred.
  17. 同时收到聆讯小组作出的决定的书面通知,并有权在有新证据或重大程序错误的情况下,在十个工作天内提出书面上诉. In cases of Title IX / Sexual Misconduct, 基于影响案件结果的利益冲突或偏见,还有一个额外的上诉基础.