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New Graduate Students

Welcome to Oakland University! 我们很高兴你决定在公开大学继续你的研究生教育. 你会发现研究生社区有很多进行高级研究的机会, academic collaboration and other scholarly pursuits. 你也会发现开放大学充满了学生资源和服务,以确保你实现所有的专业和个人目标.

Getting started

Step 1: Determine your admission

After submitting all your application materials, and upon university review, 你将收到并下载你的录取信,录取你进入开放大学的研究生课程. You will then:

  • Accept, Decline or Defer your admission offer. The form will be available in your application status page as soon as a decision is posted. 

Please note:通过护理cas或PTCas申请的学生不需要填写我们的表格,应该继续下面的第2步.  

Step 2: Activate your OU accounts

Prior to registering for classes, 您必须激活并验证您的灰熊ID、PIN和NET ID帐户的登录. Learn how to activate your accounts, and watch tutorials on how to activate your NetID.

Step 3: Register for classes

网络注册是根据班级排名和获得的学分而错开的. 今天注册2024年夏季,2024年秋季和2025年冬季学期. Specific registration dates are posted on OU’s web registration page.

Step 4: Pay your bill


  • Online
  • By mail
  • In person
  • Via Flywire (for international payments)

Please view OU’s how to pay page for complete details. 如果你需要资助你的教育,请联系财政援助和奖学金办公室.

Step 5: Get your GrizzCard

A GrizzCard出示韦德体育app官网官方图片身份证

  • Access residence hall meal plans
  • Check out library materials
  • Access the Recreation Center
  • Enter Vandenberg and Hamlin halls from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m.
  • Print at any open lab on campus
  • Make copies in the Oakland Center or Kresge Library
  • 选择校园活动和服务可享受折扣


Step 6: Find scholarships and assistantships

通过韦德体育app官网的经济援助来支持您的最佳投资. 超过一半的公开大学学生每年获得总计超过1.75亿美元的经济援助. You can benefit from those funds, too — you just have to apply.

Step 7: Confirm your enrollment

When you confirm your enrollment,开放大学能够准确地为所有学生安排和提供课程.

Plan of study

与您的教师项目顾问协商完成, the Plan of Study details specific courses, 为了获得研究生学位,你必须完成退出选项和其他要求.

Plan of Study Approval

你应该在第一学期咨询你的指导老师, 而且不迟于你研究生课程的第一学年结束, to develop a written Plan of Study. The Plan of Study, approved by your graduate program adviser, 必须提交给研究生院,以便更新您的 Online Degree Evaluation (WebCAPP).

Approved Plan of Study

An approved plan of study may be amended at any time. 直到正式批准更新的学习计划, 您原来或目前对计划的修改将继续有效. 你有责任与你的指导老师持续会面,并保持你的学习计划的更新, as needed.


遵守韦德体育app官网的所有政策是你的责任, 管理您个人学习计划的程序和适用的研究生课程要求. 以下工具将帮助你在开放大学保持良好的学术地位

  • Graduate Program Catalog: 这是公开大学管理学术项目的官方出版物, degree requirements and academic policies, and regulations for the graduate school.

研究生院管理学术政策和程序, 并执行由研究生委员会决定并适用于所有研究生的研究生学位要求. 在不寻常的情况下,可以要求保险单的例外. For information on requesting an exception, 请访问目录中的学生责任部分.

Campus safety

Oakland University's Annual Campus Safety and Security and Fire Safety Report 可在网上索取,或向下列办事处索取文件副本:

  • Oakland University Police Department
    • 10 Police and Support Services Building
  • University Human Resources
    • 413 Wilson Hall
  • Academic Human Resources
    • 517 Wilson Hall
  • Office of the Dean of Students
    • 144 Oakland Center

This report is required by federal law, 里面有韦德体育app官网的政策声明和犯罪统计数据. The policy statements address the school's policies, 与安全有关的程序和计划,包括以下主题:预防犯罪, fire safety, university police law enforcement authority, crime reporting policies, disciplinary procedures, 以及其他与校园安全有关的重要事项. 该报告还包含前三个日历年的犯罪统计数据,其中包括据报发生在校园的某些类型的犯罪, 在校内或校外的建筑物或法律所有或控制的财产以及校园内或紧邻的公共财产上.

Campus life

Athletics & recreation


Health services

Graham Health Center 提供方便,负担得起,高质量的医疗保健right在校园. 他们由经过认证的执业护士和医师助理组成,他们受过广泛的教育和临床培训. 医生每周访问一次,检查病例,咨询,并看到需要医生护理的病人.

Housing and dining

Student activities

  • Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning 英语六级考试对所有欧大研究生开放,即使教学不是你职业规划的一部分. 如今,教学机会可以以许多非传统的方式表现出来, IT专业人员可能会被要求领导培训计划,或者研究人员可能需要在课堂上向同事报告他们的发现. CETL旨在帮助您发展在任何教育环境中茁壮成长所必需的技能.
  • 学生活动和领导力发展中心 学生活动和领导力发展中心的使命是通过课外体验来补充课堂学习,促进学生与大学的互动, local and global communities.

Graduate School

O'Dowd Hall, Room 520
586 Pioneer Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(location map)
(248) 370-2700

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.